Clock’s ticking!! The DOL’s new ruling on independent contractor misclassification goes into effect in less!than!a!week! What does this mean for you?? Well, if you’re a business owner who nods your head “yes” after reading reading these two statements: Then the time is NOW to sit down and talk to your team about proposed changes to […]
I’m just gonna come out and say it: the traditional in-person office setup is as outdated as dial-up internet. But for some reason, some businesses are still dragging their feet. They’re not quite ready to embrace the remote work structure that so many people are looking for in their career. So while they’re busy trying to […]
Here’s 1 of the 398,402 things nobody teaches you when building a brand and becoming a leader: Your external brand ≠ your internal company culture. Just because the world sees your brand in a certain light doesn’t mean your team has to march to that beat behind the scenes. Few people know this better than […]
Psst…I don’t know who needs to hear this, but: It’s time we move past the old-school belief that real work only happens when we’re all parked in office chairs. That mindset is as outdated as the office cubicles tech giants are trying to herd their talent back into (oops! Guess I do know who needs […]
In honor of Valentine’s Day, let’s bring it in for a quick heart to heart about your team’s internal communication strategy. Be honest…is it working well for everyone? Or is your leadership love language getting lost in a sea of Slacks, Zooms, Voxers, emails, texts, carrier pigeons…? We get it, team communication is a journey […]
Think leading a remote team is just a game of juggling Zoom calls and Slack messages in an effort to herd your team in a march towards deadlines? Think again. It’s actually a trust-building marathon, and many leaders are dropping the baton by not establishing trust early or consistently enough with their team, leading to […]
Ever wondered how people successfully go from solopreneur to CEO with a team? The secret isn’t about nailing one specific management style or mastering a recruiting trick. It’s really about how your team comes together around your business’s growth goals, starting with an intentional hiring process that paves the way for everyone’s success. So why […]
As business owners, people managers, and CEOs, we often overlook the significant impact company culture has on our leadership experience. It’s important to realize that culture is not just about creating a fun workplace (though we’re all about making work fun if that’s your vibe!); it’s crucial in fostering productivity and ensuring the collective success […]
This week, we’re excited to have Meg Evans from Born To Roam Bookkeeping on the podcast to chat all about making that first hire for your business. Meg is a licensed CPA, numbers nerd, and small business bookkeeper. She is the founder and CEO of Born to Roam Bookkeeping LLC, a virtual boutique bookkeeping agency […]
When you’re thinking about building and shaping your company culture, you might be tempted to go along with the trends of online business and offer your team allll the flexibility they “want.” But what we’re actually seeing is that too much flexibility isn’t actually as rewarding for people to work within as we may think. […]
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