When you’re thinking about building and shaping your company culture, you might be tempted to go along with the trends of online business and offer your team allll the flexibility they “want.” But what we’re actually seeing is that too much flexibility isn’t actually as rewarding for people to work within as we may think. […]

Happy New Year! Let’s start 2024 fresh by getting back to basics.  Like, realllly basic. In this episode, I’m talking about what we actually mean when we say “HR compliance” and exploring its significance for all businesses regardless of location, size, or industry. HR compliance isn’t JUST about adhering to laws and regulations related to […]

Let’s chat about those nail-biting, sweat-inducing ‘tough conversations’ with employees. You know, the ones — where your heart races faster than a caffeinated Yorkie?  Tackling these chats head-on is not just brave; it’s essential for a thriving workplace and a productive company culture. Avoiding them is like ignoring a squeaky wheel — eventually, the whole […]

Discover Your People Leader Archetype

As we bid a not-so-sad farewell to another year, now is the perfect time to get your Year End Wrap-Up Team Meeting on your calendar in the next few weeks. If you’re sitting here thinking, “A what now?!” that’s okay! That’s why we’re here, right? Let’s talk about this unique meeting and what makes it […]

As a therapist or a mental health professional, building your team can be a game-changer, for you and for the clients you serve. Dr. Taylor Day joined us on the podcast recently to share her experience hiring a team, and her approach embodies so much of what we do here at The Paradigm.  Hiring for […]

Paid Time Off (PTO) doesn’t just give your team a break, it’s the cornerstone of your company culture. Thoughtful policies show you value your team’s need for rest and personal time, which fuels their productivity and loyalty to your mission. And creating a clear system for everyone to use their time off appropriately is the […]

Successfully running a small business hinges on many things: a solid product or service, effective marketing, and, of course, wrestling with the financial beast. Wait, don’t ghost us just yet! If that last one sent you running for the hills or retreating into a cave of financial shame, please stick around. We’re here to change […]

You’ve reached a huge milestone – considering offering benefits to your employees. That’s something worth celebrating because it’s a significant move towards attracting and retaining top talent, so cheers to you!! Now, as you venture into the world of employee benefits you’ve probably figured out that not all benefits are created equal. We’re here to […]

Determining fair compensation for your team is no small feat.  It can feel like juggling competing priorities of attracting the best talent, covering your business’s back, and ensuring you get an ROI.  It’s a balancing act my clients struggle with all the time, which is why I developed the Employee Cost Calculator, a tool that […]

So you’ve finally made it: you’re the HBIC of your business empire, a.k.a. the head honcho, the ultimate decision-maker. You have a kickass team who works in their zone of genius to support you. It feels like you’ve arrived (because let’s be real, you have!) If nobody’s told you this yet: it’s time for a […]






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