Finding the perfect fit for your team may not happen overnight, but trust me, it’s well worth the wait. Expanding your online business team is a monumental step, but let’s be real – the hiring process can sometimes feel like a comedy of errors. You know what I’m talking about: the endless interviews, trial periods […]

Successfully running a small business hinges on many things: a solid product or service, effective marketing, and, of course, wrestling with the financial beast. Wait, don’t ghost us just yet! If that last one sent you running for the hills or retreating into a cave of financial shame, please stick around. We’re here to change […]

Determining fair compensation for your team is no small feat.  It can feel like juggling competing priorities of attracting the best talent, covering your business’s back, and ensuring you get an ROI.  It’s a balancing act my clients struggle with all the time, which is why I developed the Employee Cost Calculator, a tool that […]

So you’ve finally made it: you’re the HBIC of your business empire, a.k.a. the head honcho, the ultimate decision-maker. You have a kickass team who works in their zone of genius to support you. It feels like you’ve arrived (because let’s be real, you have!) If nobody’s told you this yet: it’s time for a […]

Imagine this: Your business is thriving, raking in steady revenue, and you’re finally ready to hire someone to handle someone to take over that one thing that always falls to the bottom of your to-do list: social media. You’re looking for someone who can handle the higher-level responsibilities: crafting strategic campaigns, orchestrating paid advertising efforts, […]

Ever had that gut-wrenching feeling when you find your car broken into or something stolen from your purse? It’s. The. Worst. Totally violating, and it sticks with you for years (just ask me about my car being broken into over a decade ago). But here’s the good news – we might not be able to […]

Pop Quiz: Which type of lawsuit is easier to file? Ok, I didn’t actually expect you to know that it’s easier to file a breach of contract lawsuit than a copyright lawsuit. Hopefully, you’ve never had to do either.  But now that you have that fun little fact to throw out at your next happy […]

Amber coffee mug on a sunny window frame.

“I just need another me.” We have probably all said this before. The reality is that we pour ourselves into our businesses and believe we know what is best. But, is another you what you really need? Someone who works and does everything the way you do? This answer might shock you, but NO, you […]

In today’s world, I feel like there is a constant need to fit in and stand out all at once. And what I mean by that is, we are trying things differently because there are things that should be changed in the business world: equality, inclusivity, 4-day work weeks, and Wine Wednesday (I know that […]

Let’s talk cycles! No, ladies, not that one… I’m referring to the cycle in your business that you can’t seem to escape, the one that brings a toxic and cliquey environment to your workplace– totally on accident. I call it the Cycle of Crisis, and breaking free from it is absolutely crucial to building a […]






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