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    What’s Really Stopping You From Hiring (& How to Overcome It)

    February 15, 2023

    Is your business stagnating because you aren’t hiring the help you need? Are you unsure what’s stopping you from hiring? I see so many small business owners wait way too long to hire their first employee or grow their team. They know they need help but they just don’t make it happen.

    So what’s the issue? What’s really stopping you from hiring?

    I’ve been there — knowing I need help but not ready to take the next step. And even when I did start hiring, I made mistakes along the way. But I survived and gained hard-won knowledge about how to do things better. I’ve also worked with these same issues with my clients, so today, I’m sharing those details with you.

    In this episode, I cover: 

    It’s so easy to fall into The Hiring Cycle of Stuck: you’re afraid to hire because it will cost money, but you can’t grow your business without hiring more team members. 

    Waiting too long can harm your business and impact your mental health. 

    Fortunately, you can escape that cycle and overcome the fears and doubts that are stopping you from hiring. Tune in for advice, encouragement, and practical tips. Read more about how to set a realistic hiring timeline here. If you’re wondering what type of employee your company might need, you can take the quiz here and find exactly who your first hire should be.

    Ready to move forward? If you want exceptional support and done-for-you solutions, check out The Paradigm Solution.

    Did this episode resonate with you? Let me know — tag @theparadigmm or send me a DM on Instagram! And don’t forget to review and share this episode with any small business owners you know

    Listen Now!

    Links mentioned:

    Nothing stopping you from hiring? Schedule a call with us today and let’s get this show on the road!

    Learn more about Set to Scale, an HR and team operations membership for small business owners

    Find out how Jordan, CEO of Easy Scaling increased her revenue by 237% in JUST 3 months after implementing a strategic HR strategy and hiring employees.

    Contractor or Employee? Check out this blog to learn more!






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