Amber coffee mug on a sunny window frame.

You’ve heard us dish out leadership advice a lot – how to be a better leader, lead with confidence, create a thriving team culture, yada yada yada. And even though we’ll never stop sharing everything we know to make this whole side of your job feel easier, we’re switching things up a bit today.  Instead […]

Let’s talk about future you for a minute: 🔮  You’ve built an incredible team. You’ve poured your heart, soul, and plenty of hard work into leading them to success. Now, with a solid handle on your management skills and confidence in your role as a leader (thanks to People On Purpose®), you’re probably thinking:  “Isn’t […]

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we? The past few weeks we’ve been painting with broad strokes about the DOL’s Final Ruling on the whole contractor vs. employee saga. If you’ve been following along, you’ve def heard us say that there are now 6 factors to consider for classifying your workers.  But we haven’t […]

As business owners, people managers, and CEOs, we often overlook the significant impact company culture has on our leadership experience. It’s important to realize that culture is not just about creating a fun workplace (though we’re all about making work fun if that’s your vibe!); it’s crucial in fostering productivity and ensuring the collective success […]

Let’s chat about those nail-biting, sweat-inducing ‘tough conversations’ with employees. You know, the ones — where your heart races faster than a caffeinated Yorkie?  Tackling these chats head-on is not just brave; it’s essential for a thriving workplace and a productive company culture. Avoiding them is like ignoring a squeaky wheel — eventually, the whole […]

Learning how to interview is absolutely crucial as a business owner. Why? Well, did you know that… According to Gallup, the cost of replacing an individual employee can range from one-half to two times their annual salary. That means if things don’t work out with an employee whose salary is $50K, you’re looking at coughing […]

Pop Quiz: Which type of lawsuit is easier to file? Ok, I didn’t actually expect you to know that it’s easier to file a breach of contract lawsuit than a copyright lawsuit. Hopefully, you’ve never had to do either.  But now that you have that fun little fact to throw out at your next happy […]

Let’s talk cycles! No, ladies, not that one… I’m referring to the cycle in your business that you can’t seem to escape, the one that brings a toxic and cliquey environment to your workplace– totally on accident. I call it the Cycle of Crisis, and breaking free from it is absolutely crucial to building a […]

Discover Your People Leader Archetype

Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur, a brand new manager, or somewhere in between, finding your People Leader Archetype will give you the tools you need to understand the most important person in your leadership journey: YOU! Why Find Out Your People Leader Archetype? Each of the 5 People Leader Archetypes have incredible strengths, many […]

It is Mental Health Awareness Month, so let’s talk about mental health in the workplace. It’s a crucial thing to consider, especially for small business owners who tend to work very closely with their team members. Mental health isn’t a topic we can ignore. One survey shows that 20% of U.S. adults experience some symptoms […]






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