“How does working at your current job make you feel?” Imagine being a fly on the wall listening to your team answer that question.  Be honest, what do you think they’d say? Like a juggler, always one ball away from dropping everything? Or like a tightrope walker, teetering on the edge? Maybe like a machine […]

This week, we’re excited to have Meg Evans from Born To Roam Bookkeeping on the podcast to chat all about making that first hire for your business.  Meg is a licensed CPA, numbers nerd, and small business bookkeeper. She is the founder and CEO of Born to Roam Bookkeeping LLC, a virtual boutique bookkeeping agency […]

As a therapist or a mental health professional, building your team can be a game-changer, for you and for the clients you serve. Dr. Taylor Day joined us on the podcast recently to share her experience hiring a team, and her approach embodies so much of what we do here at The Paradigm.  Hiring for […]

Imagine this: Your business is thriving, raking in steady revenue, and you’re finally ready to hire someone to handle someone to take over that one thing that always falls to the bottom of your to-do list: social media. You’re looking for someone who can handle the higher-level responsibilities: crafting strategic campaigns, orchestrating paid advertising efforts, […]

Ever had that gut-wrenching feeling when you find your car broken into or something stolen from your purse? It’s. The. Worst. Totally violating, and it sticks with you for years (just ask me about my car being broken into over a decade ago). But here’s the good news – we might not be able to […]

two women sit at a desk laughing behind a computer with books a plant and champaigne

Office romances, tardiness excuses, Jeff’s uncle’s cat’s sister’s nephew’s wedding…. In all my years leading real people with real problems, I’ve heard it all. That’s why it’s so important to me to talk boundaries, and how you can actually lead your team without losing your mind.  As leaders, how much time are we spending on […]

It is Mental Health Awareness Month, so let’s talk about mental health in the workplace. It’s a crucial thing to consider, especially for small business owners who tend to work very closely with their team members. Mental health isn’t a topic we can ignore. One survey shows that 20% of U.S. adults experience some symptoms […]

Employee engagement has been a hot topic over the last few years, especially with the growing popularity of online businesses and remote work. And employee engagement also plays a big role in hiring and employee retention. The bottom line is — the more invested your employees are in your business, the more space you can […]

What’s your motivation as an entrepreneur? Most of us decided to take this route because we were tired of life in big corporations. We didn’t want to continue working in toxic cultures with narcissistic bosses, problematic hiring practices, and workaholic expectations. We wanted to do things differently! We wanted to do better! As entrepreneurs and […]

How do you write a good job description? What criteria should you use to choose a candidate? Can you DIY your hiring or is it better to work with a recruiter? These are just a few of the hiring questions I hear all the time from my clients.  And I get it — hiring is […]






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