A blended team, aka a team that has employees and contractors working together, is a super profitable way to scale your business. But sometimes it can feel like you’re carrying the weight of your team’s happiness and productivity on your shoulders. It’s too much, right? Especially for compassionate leaders who genuinely care about their people. […]

Discover Your People Leader Archetype

Feeling like your biz isn’t quite clicking the way you hoped? Jamar Diggs is here to remind you that it’s not just you! Entrepreneurship can be a real cluster f*ck sometimes. But we sit firmly in our belief that sharing stories from those who’ve navigated the twists and turns to success is what keeps us […]

Here’s 1 of the 398,402 things nobody teaches you when building a brand and becoming a leader: Your external brand ≠ your internal company culture. Just because the world sees your brand in a certain light doesn’t mean your team has to march to that beat behind the scenes. Few people know this better than […]

A sun soaked cafe with potted plants behind an ipad, coffee, pastry and more work supplies

It’s not even halfway through Monday and you are already underwater with 7 emails from *that* client 😏, sending your receipts to your bookkeeper, yet another time-sensitive notice from the Department of Labor about your expired Labor Law Posters, and in 10 minutes you have your weekly team meeting. With everything you’ve got going on, […]

Discover Your People Leader Archetype

And Manage Your Team With Confidence Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur, a brand new manager, or somewhere in between, finding your People Leader Archetype will give you the tools you need to understand the most important person in your leadership journey: YOU! Why Find Out Your People Leader Archetype? Each of the 5 People […]

By Kiley VanGilder, Paradigm’s Lead HR and Operations Strategist We’ve almost all heard of an exit interview. An exit interview occurs when an employee leaves the company. HR sits down with the employee and asks them for their honest feedback. There is a lot of valuable information that a company can gather from the employee […]






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