August 17, 2020

I have to tell you guys something, and it is kind of intense
We need to know more REAL things about each other. Why? I have reasons…. I’ll get there..
My core values:
You’re thinking: Ok why do you need to know this? Doesn’t seem that vulnerable, right? Actually it is more of a humble brag, Kira. You tricked me again to reading your dumb post. Fair- keep reading tho.
We’ve all heard that you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most. AKA the “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” concept.
This is either great news or super terrifying depending on who you hang out with.
There’s more-
I recently read an article that explains how actually our sphere of influence goes much further than just the 5 people you are with- which means that if we want to be the best versions of ourselves, we need to be auditing our friends, their friends, and even if social media with our entire future in mind.
In the interest of full transparency, maybe we should take the time to understand the core values of who we follow and learn from, and make sure they are aligned with our own.
Maybe we need to be more of the values in our business as well. Every large companies have their core values plastered all over the place (doesn’t always translate to the employees but that’s another post) so why don’t you have values that your business is built on? Studies show that when you aren’t intentional about your social circle (much larger than 5 people) it affects you in profound ways.
Tell me your core values! I literally MUST know.
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