Oh look, it’s live footage of biases in hiring sneaking into your process to undermine your best efforts at finding the right fit for your role, your business, AND your team: It’s not just you; we all have them—both conscious and unconscious biases—sneaking into our decision-making like those annoying #influencers who infiltrate our Instagram feeds […]

Recent statistics on diversity in the workplace don’t lie: inclusivity is good for business. Here’s why: Imagine you finally find the perfect job candidate after what feels like a marathon of a search. It feels like a match made in heaven, but instead of snatching up your offer, they just…walk away. 🚶‍♀️💨 But rather than […]

An inclusive workplace that embraces diversity.

Inclusive workplace characteristics are the result of leaders committed to walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Have you ever heard the term “greenwashing”? It basically refers to the practice where brands make false claims about their product’s environmental benefits because they know it will make them more appealing to consumers.  It’s a sh*tty […]

Happy Juneteenth! Today isn’t just about marking the end of slavery, it’s a celebration of Black freedom. At Paradigm, we’re celebrating Juneteenth by digging deep to challenge the racial inequalities that still thrive in workplaces today. And even though I’m not an expert on anti-racism, I’m here to learn and grow. I’m here to do […]

hands coming together in a team meeting

The Importance of Including a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Policy in Your Company HR Handbook By Kiley VanGilder Why does it matter? Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) efforts are some of the most important topics in the workplace today. But oftentimes these words can turn into buzzwords that get turned into check boxes […]

What We Can Learn From Neurodivergent CEOs in Online Business? The biggest thing that halts the progression of growth in a service based business is to stay in solopreneur mode. The map of business growth in online business is pretty straightforward actually. It starts with freelancing, moves into solo entrepreneurship, then moving into outsourcing to […]

In 2020, I did a lot of talking. In 2021, I pledge to listen.  This is the first in a series of blog posts all about how to learn from each other and become a more compassionate person/business owner/leader/partner, and I hope you will join me.  First, I want to acknowledge that Jackie should not […]






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