Written by Kiley VanGilder, Lead HR and Operations Strategist at Paradigm People Operations Consulting I know, I know… you probably want to crawl under your desk and completely avoid the topic of performance evaluations. Whether you have been on the giving or receiving end of a performance evaluation, you likely have felt the stress inducing […]

Written by Mallory Auth By now you’ve probably heard of the extensive benefits that come with having diverse teams in your business. Diversity helps to foster innovation, creativity, empathy, and much more in the workplace, but I hope that a better performing company is not the sole reason you want to diversify your team. In […]

desk workspace with gold accents

Written by Mallory Auth with content from Kira La Forgia. HR Documentation 101 may sound like the most boring thing ever… And that may be true, but in online business it is one of the most important steps you need to take in order to preserve the structure of your business and keep things running […]

Jen Lawrence Jenerosity Partners

I interviewed Jen Lawrence, of Jenerosity Partners, to talk about how to responsibly leverage personality assessments to hire and manage our teams. Being a productive team is not always easy, we can’t control the actions of our people, but we can work to understand them. My background is in utilizing the StrengthsFinder test to help […]

What We Can Learn From Neurodivergent CEOs in Online Business? The biggest thing that halts the progression of growth in a service based business is to stay in solopreneur mode. The map of business growth in online business is pretty straightforward actually. It starts with freelancing, moves into solo entrepreneurship, then moving into outsourcing to […]

Online entrepreneurs started businesses to be flexible, independent, and fulfilling. Entrepreneurs are a special breed; we will fight and exhaust ourselves in the interest of fReEdOm so we don’t have to be beholden to the needs of another person. The fact is, asking for help is often the key to growth. In this post, Meg […]

When I started in the workforce 12 years ago, bright eyed and bushy tailed, I never thought I would end up on the Human Resources side of business development. Honestly, the HR people were scary policy police that I didn’t want anything to do with as a cold call sales representative. When I started working […]

I was lucky enough to be on my coach, Kelsey Kerslake’s podcast to talk all about my journey as a business owner. When I started Paradigm Consulting, I had no idea where I would be a year later. Kelsey took one of my services and encouraged and built the map for me to focus on my true zone of genius, HR and People Management, to which I have been lucky enough to find a lot more success and joy in the day to day of running my business.

Have you heard the news? Classifying workers as employees or contractors is more high stakes than it used to be as laws in states continue to become more and more specific. Many online business owners have found themselves in the uncomfortable position of realizing they may have been treating and paying team members as independent […]

Ready, Set, Payroll:Setting Up Your Team in your Payroll system Setting up your team for payroll can seem overwhelming, complex, and enough of a stressor to make you put it off for even longer. Not paying your people can be more than just a sidenote, or another thing to push off to next month. This […]






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