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    How To Develop Future Leaders On Your Team

    September 25, 2024

    Let’s talk about future you for a minute:

    🔮  You’ve built an incredible team. You’ve poured your heart, soul, and plenty of hard work into leading them to success. Now, with a solid handle on your management skills and confidence in your role as a leader (thanks to People On Purpose®), you’re probably thinking: 

    “Isn’t it time to lighten my load and start handing off some people management responsibilities?”

    Short answer: Yes, you absolutely can. (And should!)

    But before you can step back and let your team do its thing, there’s some work to do upfront to set your future leaders up for success. 

    On this episode of On The Up & Up, get practical advice to develop future leaders on your team:

    🔥 How to spot potential leaders on your team (It’s not always the loudest voice in the room.)
    🛡 How to make sure your company culture stays strong when someone else takes the lead
    🛠 What to put in place before you even think about passing off team management

    And before you think, “I’m not ready to let someone else manage my team — this episode isn’t for me,” think again. This groundwork is essential the moment you have a team, whether or not you plan to delegate your leadership down the road.

    Listen Now

    Links Mentioned

    If you’re still refining your leadership skills and working toward the day you can confidently pass the torch, this program is for you! And if you’re reading this before 9/30/24, there’s still time to join People On Purpose® at a discount and receive our bonus content.  After this, it won’t be available in this format or at this price until next year, so don’t wait!

    >> Access the next level of your leadership journey inside People On Purpose® now <<






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