August 31, 2020
Setting up the legal for your business is expensive, stressful, and NECESSARY. DIY -ing the legal for my business was not even an option that I knew I had! Feeling more secure in understanding the “Must Haves” when putting together my legal safety net was key.
That being said, one of my greatest wins in my business was establishing my legal and tax information. It was like magic- the second I felt secure in my understanding and protected with my contracts, felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.
I want that feeling for you too, fellow entrepreneur.
Not only is finding an attorney difficult, but using a template to get the job done can be risky- how do you know who you are even buying from!?
What if you could get that warm, fuzzy, safe, protected feeling RIGHT NOW?
I will tell you, I waited too long to act on this. 6 months to be exact. I was uncomfy about the prospect of spending money I hadn’t made yet. Guess what happened! I basically was sabotaging myself with this mindset of unreadiness because subconsciously I knew how important it was to have my legal in order before taking on clients.
I could be 6 months ahead if I would’ve just taken the leap and made the call necessary.
As a result, I am a huge fan of The Contract Shop and Christina Scalera for this reason. If you are starting a business, and cant afford to (or in my case, don’t want to) shell out cash for an attorney, or just want to see what you can DIY before reaching out for help, I would highly suggest investing in these three items:
- Lawless to Flawless course: The bonus materials alone are well worth the money, and Christina provides clarity through the duration of the course. You may not need to DIY it all on your own, but it is a great run through so you can be aware of the requirements.
- Turnkey Business Binder: this is a great asset if you prefer a print and play paper product to keep track of important info. I created a digital “File Cabinet” Google Doc that is similar to the Turnkey Binder, but I love the way The Contract Shop presents things and I highly recommend this template.
- Contracts: OK, so an attorney is the premium way to go here, but you can’t let the process of finding, paying, and going back and forth with an attorney hold you back. Most industries don’t require an iron clad contract, but Christina’s is the top of the line and peer reviewed. It’s also instantly available. So- no excuses for a lack of legal planning.
Seriously- there are other similar shops out there, and even some free generators for agreements and contracts. The Contract Shop is not only the highest quality (trust me, I checked), but also the most user friendly with the best customer service.
Full disclosure, I love The Contract Shop so much that I applied to be an affiliate. Use my link below to log in and let me know if you have any questions.

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Hi, I’m Kira!
I love helping millennial women like you start, run, and scale your business without the overwhelm and headache. Find me on Instagram!