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    [Part 2] 5 Steps To Go From Manager To Trusted Leader 

    August 21, 2024

    There’s a right and a wrong time for everything, including sharpening your leadership skills.

    Think of it like creating an evacuation plan for a fire. 

    You wouldn’t wait until the flames are raging to decide which exit to take, right? When emotions are high, decisions get rushed, and clarity goes out the window.

    In a perfect world, you’re prepped ahead of time, focusing on solutions rather than fanning the flames. Leadership works the same way.

    The same goes for leading. 

    When you work on your skills from a place of calm—when your team is thriving, and the vibes are spot on—you’ll be ready to handle those little sparks before they turn into full-blown infernos.

    That’s why we kicked off a 5-day plan as a simple and actionable exercise to elevate you from everyday manager to a trusted leader, boosting both team productivity and profitability.

    Last week, we dug into the first two steps: reflecting on your leadership style and observing your team’s dynamics. Today, we dive into the final three steps that will transform the way you lead:

    1. Unite your team with shared values and a common language. 
    2. Empower each team member by giving them a voice in their own success.
    3. Craft a plan that aligns individual goals with the big-picture wins. 

    Now, I know that sounds like a lot, but here’s the good news: we intentionally designed this program with busy schedules in mind. You can devote less than an hour each day to these steps and see a complete transformation in your leadership and team dynamics by this time next week.

    Ready to level up? Click below to start building the leadership habits that will set you and your team up for long-term success.

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    Links Mentioned

    Download the freebie: “5 Day Plan To Go From Manager To Trusted Leader

    Take the quiz to discover your People Leadership Archetype and start leading more authentically.

    Catch up on the first 2 steps in last week’s episode: “Ep. 89: [Part 1] 5 Steps To Go From Manager To Trusted Leader” 






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