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    Guarding Gold: Mastering Intellectual Property Protection for Entrepreneurs With Nequosha Anderson

    August 4, 2023

    Ever had that gut-wrenching feeling when you find your car broken into or something stolen from your purse? It’s. The. Worst. Totally violating, and it sticks with you for years (just ask me about my car being broken into over a decade ago).

    But here’s the good news – we might not be able to stop thieves in their tracks, but we can be super smart about our response.

    Let’s talk about your iPhone, for example. If someone’s dead set on swiping it, prevention is a challenge. BUT, (here comes the genius part) enabling “Find My iPhone,” gives you a secret weapon. Once it goes missing, you can track its location and increase your chances of getting it back.

    The same concept applies to your business. Putting smart systems in place to protect what matters most – like your intellectual property – can make all the difference. 

    I really hate to be a downer, but if someone wants to steal your IP, they’ll find a way. And as much as we loved watching Scandoval play out, there’s no room for cheaters in the online business world.

    So think of things like copyrights, contracts, and trademarks as your business’s “Find My iPhone.” With these protections in place, you’ll have more solutions available to you if someone tries swiping your content and claiming it as theirs.

    In our latest episode of The Up & Up, I had an inspiring chat with Nequosha Anderson, a kickass IP Attorney, about “Guarding Your Gold” (aka your intellectual property.) She helps women creatives legally protect their income-producing ideas. Nequosha is all about securing business and brand assets, ensuring your intellectual property remains safe and not stolen.

    Not only is Nequosha a powerhouse attorney; she also runs her business online, giving her unique insights into the virtual business world that most attorneys lack. 

    In this episode, we covered:

    ✴️The emotional impact of intellectual property theft and how it parallels feeling violated.

    ✴️The need for registered copyrights and trademarks as preventive measures.

    ✴️How to strategically plan to protect your IP.

    ✴️The initial steps to take in cases of intellectual property theft and the differentiation between offensive and defensive protection strategies.

    ✴️How to integrate legal services early in the entrepreneurial journey to ensure compliance and long-term security.

    ✴️The importance of operational excellence in the development of a phenomenal client experience.

    Don’t miss out on this enlightening episode – tune in now to empower yourself with the knowledge you need to keep your creative brilliance intact and thrive with confidence. Let’s make sure no one robs you of what’s rightfully yours!  

    Listen Now!

    Link Mentioned

    ALF Trademarks 101 Video

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