People On Purpose



and cultivate a thriving work culture by embracing a management approach that feels natural, authentic, and effortlessly effective.

Elevate your team’s performance

It's a familiar feeling for many people in your position: the tools and strategies from traditional management courses and programs don't quite hit the mark for you. 

Whether you stepped into management by chance or ambition, using one-size-fits-all strategies often makes leading your team feel like an uphill battle.

Daily management becomes a struggle when generic advice pushes you into a mold, limiting your potential to showcase the leadership your team truly needs. It's like being a square peg forced into a round hole - nothing quite fits.

Are traditional management tools letting you down?

So now you've started to question your own abilities as a manager. 

Doubt creeps in, whispering that maybe you're not cut out for this, especially when you see the enthusiasm in your team dwindling. It’s a tough spot to be in, seeing potential go untapped because the playbook you were given was meant for someone else’s game.

And you’re sweating over high turnover rates. 

Your team feels the disconnect, sensing that their needs and the company's direction aren't quite aligning.

The cycle of hiring and training new members becomes a revolving door, exhausting resources and morale.

So your goals - the benchmarks you set for success - remain frustratingly out of reach. 

The stress of unmet expectations can feel like a weight, one that follows you home each night. And that nagging fear only grows stronger, fueled by a worry that maybe you’re not only failing to lead effectively but that you’re also an imposter in your own story.

And let's not forget the impact on company culture. 

If any of this sounds painfully familiar, know that you're not alone—and more importantly, it doesn't have to be this way.

What was supposed to be a vibrant, engaging workplace is slowly showing signs of strain, with enthusiasm and creativity being replaced by a mechanical, just-getting-by vibe.

This is where professional growth meets your authentic self.

We created a process with two tracks, one for CEOs and one for managers of small teams, that offers a tailored roadmap to confident and compliant leadership. You'll master HR-approved, tactical management strategies that are legally sound and customized to your unique leadership style. 

This approach boosts your confidence and effectiveness, fostering a positive and productive culture based on uniform leadership language across your organization. 

Now picture yourself, fully able to:

Step into each day with renewed confidence and clearly established boundaries. 

Embrace a leadership style that not only feels good daily, but also delivers solid, long-term growth and opportunities.

Skillfully navigate the immediate challenges of management while paving the way for future success or promotions, thanks to a high-performing team.

Manage positions for long term sustainability, regardless of who is doing the job.

Retain a highly engaged and performing team.

Strike the perfect balance between the hard and soft skills required to effectively manage.

Lead with integrity and authenticity, without losing your sense of self in the process.

This is exactly what we’re here to help you achieve.

It’s time to ditch generic advice and step into a legally-informed, HR-approved approach where time-proven management tactics meet value-driven leadership, amplifying your impact without crossing lines.

The difference PoP is making for real leaders like you: 

What Our Students Are Saying:

PoP helped me gain confidence to be a transparent and authentic leader and trust my intuition. If you're looking for a solution around navigating management life, look no further!

Paris Hanvey | @fearlessCEO

PoP gave me so much confidence in my management. The way that Kira organized and presented the content was so relevant– I finally felt like I was getting a comprehensive leadership and management curriculum with how she structured it, instead of just learning management lessons from trial and error. I’m going to continue to revisit this content as I continue to grow as a manager. It’s priceless for me. 

Meg Baker | @megkco

What I didn't expect was the overall shift it'd have on my business. We've been able to offer solutions to our clients I never could have on my own. The team culture is fabulous, and I'm about to hire three more employees to fill gaps in the knowledge base of my current team. Working with Paradigm has resulted in better results for our clients, less chaos for myself, and the margins to put more amazing people on our payroll.
Win. Win. Win. 

Braden Drake

I've been in leadership roles for most of my career, even branching over into HR positions, and PoP blew past any expectations I had going into it.

Paradigm's modern day approach to everything HR was a breath of fresh air and is everything businesses need these days! I have recommended Paradigm to numerous clients and colleagues. 

Kristi Wisniewski

Kira is an absolute wealth of knowledge when it comes to management, and her approachability and sense of humor made a daunting subject exciting and engaging. [PoP] has given me the foundational tools to step into a new chapter as an entrepreneur and manager. I would recommend the program to both new or seasoned managers who need to pull back the lens and learn to lead from a human-first perspective.

-Jessica - @marbury

Join Us Inside:

People on Purpose

A self-paced online management program centered on your natural strengths and the real rules of the game to help you unlock your full leadership potential.

Now Featuring Dual Tracks: 

The Founder’s Playbook

 For CEOs Leading Teams

Ambitious Manager Accelerator

For those eager to advance in their career while managing up and down



By addressing the unique needs of CEOs and Managers, we ensure a unified approach to management training, because aligning the leadership language across all levels is crucial for cultivating a cohesive company culture.

We did this…on purpose! 

Sign me up!

Timeless Theory + Modern Strategies 
personalized to your needs:

5 Self Study Modules

1 Bonus Module For Each Specialized Track

Guest Speakers

Live Collab Sessions With HR & People Ops Experts

A Judgment Free Community Of Leaders & Managers For Accountability

Personalized 1:1 Coaching For Any Scenario 

HR Approved Templates, Scripts, & Resources For Team Development & Compliance

Discover Your Unique Leadership Style


Foundations of Management and Leadership


Creating a Company Culture That Engages and Inspires


Leadership and Boundaries: 
Building Your Leadership Voice


Where Leadership Meets Process


Course Curriculum:

Take a peek inside: 

Difficult Conversations: Balancing Empathy and Accountability




Track 1: The Founder’s Playbook
Succession Planning: Developing Future Leaders And Preserving Your Legacy

Track 2: Ambitious Manager Accelerator
Measuring Success and Leveraging Your Leadership Skills For Career Advancement

There’s a better way to lead, 
and it’s available to you now for:


Join now and save $200!

Sign me up!


Managing a team is about to get a whole lot easier…

Traditional Management Courses:

Based on a generic, one-size fits all approach that makes management feel unnecessarily difficult.

Don’t take compliance into account, teaching management tactics that could get you in trouble with HR or with the law

Teach outdated models of management that employees don’t respond to now.

People On Purpose®:

Starts with an assessment of your natural leadership style and centers the content on your unique skills.

Intentionally designed to bridge the gap between management desires and HR necessities, fostering a collaborative spirit and ensuring compliance.

A modern approach that’s up to date with the latest trends in employee preferences and experience, balancing compassionate leadership with business acumen.

Here's the bottom line

Building that trust starts with leadership that is authentic - not contrived or forced. 

The key is gaining a deep understanding of your natural leadership style and knowing how to adapt your management tactics effectively.

So I get it - a management training program might not have been at the top of your to-do list. But when you weigh the potential losses in productivity, high employee turnover, and managerial inefficiencies against this investment, the choice is clear. 

This isn’t just another task; it’s an essential step for your success.

At the heart of high-performing teams and vibrant company cultures lies a solid foundation of trust between managers and their teams.



2 x $447

Tuition Options:


SAVE $200


2 x $377*


*promotion price

This is a no-brainer investment in your
professional development and your team’s success!

We know it is if you’re a CEO or a Founder with a team, OR if you’re a Manager navigating team leadership for the first time, and: 

You’ve tried a million approaches but you're still searching for your perfect leadership rhythm.

Still not sure if PoP is right for you?

You lack a leadership role model who aligns with your vision, but you're determined to lead differently than what you’ve experienced.

You’re tired of fluff; you need real, tactical strategies that are rooted in proven business practices to enhance your team’s performance.

You're fed up with generic 'leadership' advice and crave genuine insights from experienced peers.

You deeply value your team's experience and are committed to being the best leader for them.

You're seeking stronger boundaries and effective frameworks to maintain them.

You need more than quick-fixes for immediate problems; you want to establish a robust, tailored management foundation for lasting success.

Take this step and become the leader you aspire to be - the manager your team truly deserves:

Sign me up!

Meet Your Instructor

With a decade of experience in People Operations in the corporate world, a Master’s in Organizational Management, and a thriving online business with a remote team, I am no stranger to the sensitive issues involved in the human side of running a business. There's a lot to learn from hiring, onboarding, training and managing the performance of over 500 employees for a multimillion dollar business. The good news is, I learned it all so you don't have to.

Paradigm bridges the gap between corporate HR policies and the modern needs of online entrepreneurs. Because Google might have almost all the answers, but it doesn’t have what your unique business needs. 

Paradigm Consulting is the go-to People Operations resource for small business owners ready to protect, streamline, and scale their businesses.

Kira La Forgia




2 x $347

Tuition Options:


SAVE $200


2 x $377*


*promotion price